Monday, 15 October 2012

thé shoulder rifle and thé took from madman

Thé end î sank in a sleep agitato, When î woke up myself it was evening. Thé fire of thé field conferred a gilde d light to thé cnrtain. I observed thé twinlcling of thé cloth, perfectly aware of every detail, of evey minuscule wheat of cloth. After some thé edge of thé curtain opened, and gregorio peered at inside. You feels better ? , he/she asked .dine  man form  I dont know him/it. Really no. That you/he/she is taken me? thé fever: thé cold: who knows him/it ? Nothing serious, believes.
                 You/he/she must rest and to stay a warm a couple that.of days. What times i/you/they am ? I dont have thé clock, he/she answered. Mine had remained  on thé box that î used as table. I pointed out him/it with thé head, and gregorio pas sed him/it to me  they were thé ten. I had intention to return to thé source tonight. It shook thé shoulders. It is not  hfgmy niorgh vfvkb  possible now, No, î believe ob no, î said. Thé thing made me feel lifted. After all, if î was badly,   î could not observe well, and of sure î would have worsened my conditions of health. And î told me,  probably looking for a giustifica zione that waz not thé physical weakness, that thé creature could have   warned my presence and to be to thé alert one. It was mor e wise man to wait . I swallowed other two pills  with a glass of water and î fell again in thé sleep. Thé morning î felt better later me.  
                 anymore. I was definite to return to all thé costs to thé source thé following night. It was not need of it. It was her to find us. I waz awake and î felt to snarl out thé curtain. It was thé second time  that î was aroused by a noise in thé night, but thi s time î didnt have hesitations, because thé growl had not paralysed me as that dreadful cry. I slipped out of thé sack to hair and î grabbed thé gun. î had thé blocked eyes and thé dry throat. You heard to snarl again. I opened thé edge of thé  very mant credgf darj curtain  and î aimeol thé rifle. Thé fire burned low, nun thé sky was still dark. I saw to go out gregorio of  thé curtain with thé shoulder rifle and thé took from madman to thé light of thé fire. You directed  to thé horses. Icavalli goes crazy. They kicked and they pawed inside thé enclosure. I moved me of side to see better, and one of thé horses overcame with a leap thé rocks erected by gregorio. It was thé grey one. You/he/she was loading verse of me with blind fury. I threw my self of side. I felt thé horse that ended inside thé curtain and, while î was starting again me standing, î saw thé edges get flabby. another horse had tried to overcome thé barrier and you/he/she had slipped on thé clogs. Now it looked for hopelessly to rise again from thé rocks Thé other two horses cosrevano gone crazy around thé enclosure, one behind thé other. 

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