Sunday 14 October 2012

sweet nest of housescrvant happiness

Five days î am in rome. But doesnt max go to rome? Emanuele said. I go where the count will like it;î still helong to him for one month. Oh, my god, how tells him/it, signor count! Max comes with me thecount you/he/she said, with his/her persuasive affability, reassure therefore you on the account ofyour brother. Goodbye, my sister! Morrel repeated. Goodbye, emanuele! Tear to pieces me the heart withhis/her carelessness! Julia said Oh, max, max, you hide thcre anything... Bah!Montecristo said. Youwill see him/it return cheerful, happy and happy. Max launched a disdainful look to montecristo, almostirritated. Lets depart! The count said. Before goes, signor count said julia, allow us to tell you allof this that the other day ... Mrs, The count said, taking her hands, all of this that yon would saywhat you/he/she wont be worth î eves read in your eyes, what your heart has thought, what mine has the novel benefactors, would have departed without seeing again you, but this virtue would have beenabove of my strengths, because î am weak and vain man, hecause the damp, hilarious and tender took ofmine similar does me some good. Now birth, and î push the egoism up to tell you: dont forget me, myfriends, because you wont zee again anymore probably me .him in arab, have you been from the old one? Ali made sign of yes. And have you opened the letter under
          his eyes in the way that î had ordered you? Yes he/she respectfully answered still the slave. And whathas you/he/she said, or, rather, that sign has done? Ali was set under the light, so that his/her master you/he/she could see him/it, and imitating with his/her intelligence the fisonomia of the olcl one, îclosed the eyes as it m ade noirtier when he/she wanted to say yes. Well, ax said montecristo. Lets depart!you/he/she had just allowed to escape this word, that the carriage hacl already stirred lifting a nembo
of dust sparlcs mixture. Max sat olown in an angle without saying word. After me z zora, the carriage stoppedhim of a line; the count had thown the twine of silk that corresponded to the finger of ali. The darkdescents, ancl it opened the counter.

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