Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Thé beautiful proud anna from austria several times....

George villiers thcrefore placed himself before thé mirror, his its beautiful, blond hair brought again into thé wave form destroyed through thé load of thé hat, twirled thé mustache and smiled, joyful heart, happy, him it long heiBersehnten moment draws near to be. In this moment, a cloor hidden in thé wallpaper rose, and a woman appeared. Buckingham saw this appearance in thé mirror. He it discharged a scream. It was thé queen. Anna from austria was six or twenty seven, therefore stood in thé full shine of her its their beauty. Her its their attitude was that of a queen or goddess; her itz their eyes, that glistened like emeralds, were from exalted beauty and at thé same
time fully mildness and majezty.
      Buclcingham stood there as blinded a moment Never, anna from  austria had appeared so beautifully to him it, on no ball, no festivity, no tournament, how now in thé  simple, white silk robe and in company of thé donna estefania, thé single ones of her its their spanish  ladies, that had withstood thé jealousy of thé king and thé adjustments of thé cardinal. Anna from austria
stepped forward two steps. Buclcin gham warped on thé knees and kissed, before thé queen was able to hinoler it, thé hem of her its their garment. , she it spoke, duke you already lcnows, that î clidnt let written you, O yes, madame, yes, majesty! If thé duke called, î know that î become enliven a fool, sufficiently inane, thé snow itself in order to believe, warm to thé marble. But whoever loves believes easily in love; moreover however î lost not everything on this trip, because î see you yes! Yes, if anna answered, but you know why î see you and as î see you: because you, insensitively a gainst my heart sorrow, stubbornly insist on not yielding fsom a cty where you run danger of libe through your remaining and endanger  my honor. You they only see me because î want to tell you that thé enmity between two king doms separates  us evesything, thé depths of thé sea, that holiness of sworn oaths. 

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