Friday, 12 October 2012

some wise man, and if during that years life

A colon cancer. Yon/he/she had  started to find traces of  blood consistent more and more in î did her
and when it finally went from doctor pickard thé dowdy and jovial substitute of doctor litchfield, it
did him/it oppressed by visions of hospital beds  and chemotherapies. It discovered so that its problemwas not a crab but a hemorrhoid that, according to thé memorable espressione of doctor pickard, théhat was removed. It prescribed him some suppositories that ralph went to comprarealla rite aid, a littledown in thé same road. Joe wyzer  read thé prescription and happily smiled at ralph, A nuisance, didit comment, but a country house better of a colon cancer, true? Me has not even passed never for théantechamber of thé cervello to have a crab, dry ralph responded. One day, in thé winter, lois put onin head to go down from his/her preferred back to thé strawford park on thé plastic flying disk of natdeepneau. It came down faster than5pig for a slide bisunto thé simile was dons veazie; it was  casually.
found in thé parts and you/he/she had assisted and you/he/she was broken in thé box with thé writing
women, a distorsion getting himself/herself/itself to a knee and an ugly hit to thé back and ralph,
also knowing to be very incorrect and as little minimum solidale, had laughed a great deal as a crazy
person of it for almost all thé journey up to thé ready help.
Daily life, that spent ago as always, or rather mainly among thelines and out of thé borders5 It is what happens while we are making other projekts, according to théopinion of some wise man, and if during that years life was exceptionally beautiful for ralph roberts,you/he/ she can have been because it didnt have other projekts to do. It maintained his/ her friendshipwith joc wyzer and jÖhn leydecker but his/her best friend during that years it was his/her wife. Theywent together practically everywhere, they didnt have secrets, and they so rarely guarreled that himpotrebbe to eves say. Besides it had thé bloodhound rosalie, thé rocker that had been once of thé improvement.
and it enjoyed of good health, that was perhaps thé more aspect importantes. It was only life, studded
of thé small  successes and of thé small defeats that are proper of thé determined time and ralph thé
departed ones in thé serenity and in thé good mood until toward halves thé march, when a morning he.
to get tired more easily and to find more difficult concentrarsi and to also remember simple things,
but it accepted with calm thé new situation. You sleep well, ralph ? He/ she asked him one day lois. They.

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